Lesley’s garden
In a quaint neighborhood of Victor Harbor in South Australia, where the sun dances through the leaves and the sea salt floats on the breeze, there resides a garden enthusiast whose passion for all things green knows no bounds.
Meet Lesley, a delightful caring soul whose love for gardening is as infectious as it is heartwarming.
A little camera shy, she let me take photos of her and her beautiful garden (slightly disheveled to her liking, as it is the end of summer).
As the day unfolds, the garden comes alive with birds and bees who come together in perfect harmony.
Step back and unwind as you listen to the breeze and feel the sun on your skin.
Lesley is not only a green thumb, she is an artist who paints the beautiful coasts surrounding her home but also landscapes from her travels.
She is also known for her pet portraits, which she leaves for the owners of the homes she stays in while traveling (for more details, please visit mindahome.com.au).
Lately, she has taken under her roof a new addition, Winston, a lazy puggle. It is only for a while but he keeps her company and comes with her on beach adventures, tai chi classes and coffee meet ups with her friends.
Step into Lesley’s world, and you'll find yourself surrounded by a kaleidoscope of colors.
Her garden isn't just a patch of land; it's a sanctuary, a canvas of bottle brushes, lemon trees, mandarins, nasturtiums and countless wild flowers.
Her eclectic oasis sits on a slope, with a tapestry of rocks and flowers tucked into various nooks. She always has to watch out, not only for a tumble but also for the deadly brown snakes who love nothing more than sunbaking on hot stones.
With a smile on her face, Lesley tells me more about herself. She has been living in her home for 37 years.
The view from here is absolutely breathtaking with beautiful Encounter Bay unveiling before our eyes.
She says the house is stuck in a bit of the past, referring to the 70’s feel that surrounds her. Its retro look is beautiful, adorned with paintings on the walls, fresh flowers in vases, and memorabilia from her travels.
As the seasons change and her sanctuary transforms, Lesley’s garden is a testament to her green thumb and unwavering dedication.
And though time may pass and the world may change, one thing is certain : there will always be a little corner of the world where you’ll see Lesley busy planting, digging and watering.
Thank you, Lesley, for letting me spend time with you and for giving me the opportunity to visit your little sanctuary.